GOD is always with you, God promised to never leave you or forsake you. The following was found in a cellar in Cologne, Germany concentration camp, shortly after liberation at the end of WWll.This stands as an amazing statement of faith, in a time of deep peril. “I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining. I believe in love, even when I feel it not.  I BELIEVE IN GOD EVEN WHEN HE IS SILENT.”  There are times when I feel GOD’S so close I could almost touch HIM, and times when HE  seems so far away I even doubt GOD’S very existence! I say to myself, see I am so bad and have sinned so much God won’t forgive me, let alone love me or help me. My prayer seems to go nowhere,  is GOD even listening to me? The doubts just come over me like a flood, to the point I can’t even think! I have the greatest pity party the world has ever seen!

    Doubt is satan’s greatest weapon. He uses it at the lowest points in my life. When the world is crashing in on me. It is so easy to doubt GOD. I wonder why is this happening to me? WHY?WHY?  WHY? No one else has this kind of problem?, why am I being singled out?, what have I done that is so wrong????

   When I reach this point, the pity party is over,  the problem is still there. I realize it is time to go to the owner’s manual for life ( the Bible). The Bible is GOD’S word to us. It covers every problem we will face. But how do I find the answer in the Bible, it’s a very large book it would take forever? That is a very important question! Sometimes  I have to dig very deep to find the answer, at times it seems impossible to find, I have learned the harder the answer is to find. The better the answer is and the better I remember the answer! Some of the ways I use to find the answer is:

1. Bible-based books on that particular subject, bible commentary.  Any Bible-based research material.

2. The computer, Goggle the problem. I have to wade through a lot of garbage to find the answer, but GOD’S answer may be there.

3. Daily Bible reading! I have a read through the Bible in a year schedule. It takes around 15-20 minutes a day. This is my top pick, people say I don’t know, its because you haven’t read the instruction manual ( the BIBLE).

4. Ask someone you trust that knows the Bible. Matthew 7:7 says”ASK and it will be given to you, SEEK and you will find, KNOCK and it will be opened to you.        SO ASK!!!!


 Back to the person in the cellar in Germany. This person was at the lowest point in their life that any person could have. They are facing imprisonment and death, not because of any crime or deed they committed. But just because of who they are! They had to feel so abandoned by GOD. They were praying earnestly, but no answer? WHY GOD? WHY GOD? I believe that they prayed and no answer, complete silence!!!!! But thru all this person writes ” I believe in GOD, EVEN WHEN HE IS SILENT!!!! I ask myself this question, how many people have read what was written and was encouraged and strengthened by this demonstration of unbelievable FAITH in GOD!

   One scripture I use when discouraged is Isaiah chapter 55:1-13. I especially Like verses 8-9 ” For my thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts”

   I don’t have any pat answers to the problems life brings, why does GOD seem so distant or why do I feel so close to GOD right now? I do believe as the person who wrote on the wall in a cellar in Germany.


   I leave with these words from Deuteronomy  31: 6.  “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them: for the LORD your GOD, he is the one who goes with you. HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU.